

Our goal as a ministry is to help families through biblical counseling, budgeting finances, and starting self-sustaining businesses, which will have an impact on their communities.  Donations to our general fund are crucial to a variety of needs in Ethiopia such as; Gospel proclamation, missional outreach, building churches, funding for our mission house/office, Christian school education for children in our program, medical care, temporary housing for women and children living on the streets, and a portion going towards the cost of running a non-profit.

Gospel Proclamation

We desire to follow the commands of scripture to “…Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creatio...

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Group Homes

“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed." ~Psalm 82:3~ We are w...

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Medical Care

Maternal and child health are two of the most serious issues in Ethiopia.  Health centers are understaffed, under res...

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